Pennsylvania Dangerous Drug Lawyers

  You take medication to get better. The drugs that you take should not make you sicker.
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Danger Drug Lawyers in Lancaster, PA

Drug manufacturers and their insurance companies fight back hard against dangerous drug claims. But people deserve safe medicine, and you’re entitled to recover for your losses. You need to work with Pennsylvania dangerous drug lawyers to stand strong against the people and companies who caused you harm.

The injury lawyers at Atlee Hall have helped countless victims of dangerous drugs. If an unsafe medication hurts you or a loved one, call us at (717) 393-9596 or use our online contact form to reach out.

Dangerous Drugs

If you or a loved one are suffering, it's time to talk with a dangerous drug lawyer near you. Our in-house nurse, network of medical experts, and experienced legal team will look deeper into your claim than other law firms. We are passionate about uncovering the truth.

What are Dangerous Drugs

Any drug that has been released to the public can later be found to be problematic. Some of the dangerous drugs that have been subject to recent recalls or warnings include Zantac, Pradaxa, Nexium, Talcum powder Prilosec, Ozempic, Xarelto, Actos, Risperdal, and Januvia. At Atlee Hall, we have been involved in litigation over many dangerous drugs over the last several decades. Always remember that any drug that you’ve taken can result in harm to you.

If you took a medication and had severe side effects that required additional medical treatment, you should seek help from an attorney. Some dangerous drugs don’t show harm until long after you started taking them. If you have taken any medication for an extended period and then developed cancer, bleeding, heart failure, hair loss, or another condition, call Atlee Hall.

Dangerous Drug Liability

There may be multiple parties responsible for putting a dangerous drug on the market. Both prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications are supposed to go through an intense approval process through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although some make it through the approval process, they may still end up causing problems for consumers.

Negligent Drug Manufacturers

The pharmaceutical companies that research and manufacture drugs are primarily responsible for determining if they are safe for humans. Whether it’s for long-term or short-term use, drugs should be thoroughly researched and studied before they are released.

Drug manufacturers have teams of attorneys and often reject claims outright. They will try to bury you in paperwork and draw out the lawsuit process.

Defective Drug Lawsuits in Pennsylvania

The lawsuit process can be complex, especially if you are going up against multi-billion dollar companies. You need to work with a dangerous drug attorney who isn’t afraid to fight. While many companies try to settle things early, drug manufacturers have enough money to draw things out.

By filing a lawsuit, you will let the drug manufacturer know that you are serious. You can gather information through the discovery process, where all parties exchange evidence related to the case.

Compensation in Drug Lawsuits

If you suffer serious side effects that cause you harm or are otherwise hurt by a defective drug, you can get compensation. Atlee Hall can help you recover:


3 Steps to Win Your Case



We partner with top product experts to investigate the design, manufacturing process, instructions, and warnings of the product that caused you harm. We also work with respected medical experts to explain the severity of your injuries and how they happened.


After gathering evidence, we identify the root cause of your injury, whether that is a design, manufacturing, or failure to warn defect.


We document all your physical, emotional, and financial injuries to demonstrate to the jury how the injury has impacted your life and future.

Contact a Dangerous Drug Attorney for Help

Although one indicator of a dangerous drug is an FDA recall, sometimes you are one of the first to find out that a medication is making you ill. You should still contact an attorney even if there are no other lawsuits that you know about regarding that drug.

Call Atlee Hall today at (717) 393-9596 or use our online contact form to reach out for a free consultation.