Most Accidents Occur From Memorial Day-Labor Day

Memorial Day is a time to celebrate freedom and thank the veterans who sacrificed to protect those freedoms. Memorial Day weekend also marks the unofficial start of summer and the heaviest traffic season of the year. The highest amount of accidents occur during the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the three most dangerous weekends to be on the road are Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day. As the summer kicks off, please remember these safe driving tips to protect yourself and the safety of everyone else on the roadway.

Tips to Stay Safe During Summer Driving

  • Drive sober: Summer means parties and cookouts where alcoholic beverages may be served. Every day in this country, nearly 30 people are killed in crashes involving an impaired driver. If you plan to drink, find a designated driver or take a taxi or car service.
  • Avoid distractions such as cell phones: Distracted driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving. There are apps available to prevent cell phone use whenever your vehicle is in motion, which removes the temptation to check your phone while driving.
  • Obey the speed limit: Speeding increases a driver’s chance of losing control of the car and can make a collision much worse. In fact, speeding is a contributing factor in roughly one-third of all fatal crashes. Protect yourself and other drivers by obeying the speed limit.
  • Be aware of others on the road: With warmer weather comes an increase in pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists on the roadway.
  • Plan for emergencies: Always have a plan in place for roadside assistance. Keep a flashlight, blankets, water, and hazard cones or flares in an emergency kit in case you have car trouble and need to pull over.

We hope that this Memorial Day weekend is the start of a safe and memorable summer!